Obverse : Above is the small coat of arms of Ukraine with the semicircular inscription ???????????? ???? ??????? (National Bank of Ukraine); in the center of the coin, within the circle, a fragment of the facade of the synagogue building is depicted, to the right and left of which are conventionalized ornamental patterns; the indication of the year of issue of the coin 2012 is on the right; Below is the legend: ?`??? ??????? (five hryvnias) in albata currency; The logo of the National Bank of Ukraine Mint is to the left of the center of the coin.
Reverse : in the context of the conventional decorative plan of the building the synagogue is represented; above is the inscription ????????? ? ?. ?????? (synagogue in the city of Zhovkva).
coin is dedicated to a monument of the Judaic sacral architecture and
the defensive works, ie the Zhovkva Synagogue built in 1692 in the
style of Renaissance. It is one of the largest defensive Renaissance
structures in Europe.