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5 hryven UKRAINE 2022 - In union, strength

€16,50 EUR

5 hryven UKRAINE 2022 - In union, strength


This coin celebrates the national unity of Ukrainians in their fight against Russian aggression, and the international support that the whole world is giving to Ukraine, bringing joint victory closer. The desire for freedom is a fundamental value of the Ukrainian people. For many centuries, Ukrainians have fought to protect their freedom and territorial integrity... After Russia unleashed its treacherous invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the people of Ukraine repelled it in a decisive counteroffensive that thwarted the advance of the aggressor and ensured the continued free development of the countries and peoples of Europe. Understanding that, the entire free world sided with Ukraine, providing it with humanitarian, economic, security and military aid.

Obverse: on a plain background is the small coat of arms of Ukraine (in the center), around which there is a stylized composition symbolizing the unity of people of good will around the world, a circle of hands that They join in pairs and are surrounded by a blue and yellow ribbon (printed on the pad); Above is the semicircular legend

Reverse: above, on a plain background is the following semicircular legend: ? ??????? - ????/IN UNITY STRENGTH written in Ukrainian and English; Below the legend is a stylized composition of colored flags (printed on the pad)