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10 euros AUSTRIA 2023 - The forget me

€49,00 EUR

10 euros AUSTRIA 2023 - The forget me

As its name suggests, forget-me-not means "remember me" in the language of flowers. Along with other literal meanings of its common name, the fourth flower in the Language of Flowers series is also a symbol of deep love, remembrance, fidelity, and constancy. On top of that, each spring forget-me-nots create a delightful froth of deep blue flowers and are a particularly welcome sight when there isn't much else in bloom.

Similar in several European languages ​​(in France it is called ne m'oubliez pas, in Spain don't forget me and in Italy non ti scordar di me), the name forget-me-not originated in folk tales, the most notable of which is a German legend about a gentleman who swam across a river to look for blue flowers growing on the opposite bank for his true love. Before drowning while swimming back, with flowers in his hand, he threw them at his beloved shouting "Vergissmeinnicht", which translates to forget me not.

Giving forget-me-nots at the beginning of an illicit love affair could be a discreet way of conveying the need for trust and confidentiality. Although passionate and romantic love are important elements of its meaning, forget-me-nots can also mean deep friendship and familial love. Additionally, forget-me-nots can be used to convey that the bonds of true love transcend time and space and will continue to exist despite physical separation and even death.

Reverse of the coin features impressions of three royal forget-me-nots in bloom alongside an ornamental side image of forget-me-nots, elegantly printed in color. The obverse shows a young woman with flowers in her long hair.

Obverse the white silhouette of a head in profile is framed by the face of a partially visible clock, which refers to the passage of time. Unlike many other symbolic meanings associated with flowers, those of the forget-me-not have endured, as has the eternal love and constancy they convey.

  • Issue date: March 8, 2023
  • Quality: Test
  • Series: The language of flowers
  • Face value: 10 euros
  • Coin design: Kathrin Kuntner, Rebecca Wilding
  • Diameter: 32.00mm
  • Alloy: Silver Ag 925
  • Fine Weight: 15.56g/0.50oz
  • Total weight: 16.82 grams
  • Packaging: Comes in a case complete with a numbered certificate of authenticity and a protective sleeve.