Series : Ukrainian Cosmo
This coin celebrates the launch of the first Earth satellite. The satellite emitted a radio signal on two frequencies and studied the upper layers of the ionosphere. Around the world, radio enthusiasts tracked sound signals transmitted by satellite. It was visible as a star of the first magnitude even with the naked eye. The launch of the satellite is said to have marked the beginning of the space age. The
Ukrainian scientists and designers contributed to the development and
launch of the satellite, which was led by the pioneer of
space flights Sergei Korolev.
Obverse : against a plain background is a conventionalized color image of planet Earth (pad-printed); below,
In a semicircle, there is the small coat of arms of Ukraine, the
legend Ukraine (Ukraine), face value 5 ??????? (5 hryvnias), the
edition of the year 2017, and the brand of NBU Banknote Printing
and Minting Works. |
Reverse :
are the conventionalized image of the satellite and the legend 60-?????
??????? ??????? ????????? ????? (60 years since the launch of the first
terrestrial satellite) (semicircular to the right).